Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Samantha Claus, Santa Claus… How was I to know!

Cecilia is obsessed with Charlie Brown Christmas this year.  She will quote from all of their holiday specials from " For unto you is born this day" to "I'm NOT YOUR SWEET BABOO"!  I love it.  This holiday season has been wonderful, and full of magic.  I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.


This post comes a little late I know, but better late than never. My Daughter is now 3 and she is just beginning to enjoy dressing up. For the last few Halloweens I've been able to select what she would be, but this was the first year she wanted to weigh in. She's a big fan of the Madeline books and decided that's what she wanted to be. I snagged a costume on zulily for $15 and when it arrived I took her to WSU for some photos. Hope you all enjoy. We had a great time, and what kid doesn't enjoy getting to wear their costume more than once. I suggest you give it a try next year.
