Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Darling Farms


Today my Husband and I set out to find a farm where we could take our daughter to pick her own food.  We feel that if she participates in the Farm to Fork process, she enjoys her food more.  
collecting Tripple Crown berries, a brier-less bush.

Onto the Carrot Patch

Kody Darling was on the property and was incredibly helpful, full of knowledge and kindness.  Cecilia can be very timid, especially in a new environment with new faces; but not with Kody.  She even exchanged smiles and some friendly chatter.

Cecilia patting Daddy on the back as they observe some corn

Time to clean our finds
Kody showing Cecilia how to clean carrots
"Me Try, Me Try"

Time to pay
Our family walked away with some beautiful produce, and what will be a lifetime of memories.  Thank you Darling Family for creating such a warm and welcoming place for families to learn more about where food comes from.... and all the love that is put into its' growth.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Slice of Ashland

On our way home from California we stopped in Ashland to visit some friends.  I had only ever driven through but never stayed to play, and I'm so glad we did.  Ashland Oregon has so much beauty.  Their parks are something out of a story book.  Stone bridges, swings beside babbling brooks, deer, and fairy ponds.  I will definitely make it a point to stop there again, and I would highly recommend it to all of you.

Our dear friend's daughter Ava Luna 
Cecilia Enjoying Lithia Park
Just another amazing trail in Ashland 
Cecilia learning to climb a tree

Ava Luna and Mommy in a living tree dome


A cool retreat from the 101 degree heat

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Goodbye California

Muir Woods


"Hear Dat"?

Today marks the end of our visit to California so we thought we'd send it off right.  Not just any activity would do, who knows when we'll be back.  We would have to do something that allowed us ample quality time, not too big of a crowd, and not a ton of drive time.  Since we've been staying in Novato Brandon suggested we go to the Muir Woods which is about 20 minutes away, just north of San Francisco.  Muir Woods was named in dedication to John Muir, an early advocate of preservation of wilderness.  Muir valued nature for its spiritual and transcendental qualities. He viewed it as a place for rest, inspiration, and prayers (  Along the path there is a section named "Cathedral Grove" and it is just that.  As you walk through the monolithic redwoods you feel as though you are in the presence of God.  I've never seen anything so beautiful, nor have I been more moved by landscape.  I could not have picked a better place to make life long memories.  A time to reflect, to share a conversation with my husband about our hopes for our family's future, and the opportunity to be grateful for all of life's blessings.  Although this life is not for everyone..... it is for me, and I have so much to be grateful for.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy 4th!!!

I'm sure she's dreaming of "FireFerks"

This 4th of July was the first one we've ever spent together as a family and I loved every minute of it.  We started out the day at the pool with our close Coastie friends.  There's nothing my little one likes more than the pool.  When the sun goes down the town of Foster City gathers at the waterfront for fireworks.  Our friends staked out a great spot on a pedestrian bridge just a few blocks from their place. I loved hearing Cecilia call out "Happy Birthday America".  She would also name the colors that appeared in the sky to her Daddy.  2 1/2 is a magical age.  For that reason alone, I did not take many pictures.  I wanted to live in the moment with my family.  I hope you all did the same.  I'd love to hear how you all spent the 4th, and share some of your family traditions.

3 years in 3 minutes (a child's recollection of a father's deployment)

For The Heart:

I made a video for my husband who serves in the U.S. Coast Guard. He spends most of his time out to sea, and was feeling really down about not being around to watch our daughter grow up. He worried she wouldn't remember him since he was hardly home.  I told him that's not how she'll remember it.  She'll only remember the times you were together not apart. This was my way of showing him just that. "Military Man" (by Jessie James) for Brandon

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bubble time

I asked Cecilia if she wanted to go blow some bubbles, she replied "That's a great Idea  Mommy".

It amazes me how much my little one has grown.  She once needed me for so many things.  Last summer she needed me to blow bubbles for her, now she insists "Me try".  Watching her face light up with accomplishment warms my heart.  But she will always be my little blueberry no matter how big she gets.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Adventures in Zombieland

We've been to a few bases in our Coast Guard career, and in each one we've encountered what we like to call Zombieland.  This is due to most Coast Guard bases once being previously owned by other branches.  I like to walk around and imagine how the base looked when it was at max capacity in the 1940's.  In the old Novato housing there are beautiful sycamore trees that shade the bones of what once must have been well tended gardens.  Lovely multicolored tile that frame the doorways of spanish style homes that overlook the California countryside.  Handcrafted porch lights that resemble metal flames, and large bay windows for the late afternoon sun.  It's such a shame to see them boarded up, and unoccupied.  These quite streets are the perfect place to explore and pretend with my little one.  Plenty of space to run, and ride bikes.  I hope that one day when she is older, she will remember our little adventures in Zombieland, and have an appreciation for the things that once were, as much as I do.

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By way of California

Cecilia  conjuring some bubbles

We recently made a trip to California to see Cecilia's Daddy before his ship gets underway again. He is in the United States Coast Guard, and we are a GEObatch family.  Meaning we live in different states while my Husband is connected to a boat.  Since we arrived it's been non stop fun in the sun.  My husband and I have always said (quoting the movie "Away We Go") we want our child's life to be "Huck Finny".  So far her life has been just that.  An adventure.  She would live outdoors among the bees and trees if she could.  You can often find her lying on her back in the grass, with her hands behind her head just relaxing.  This will likely be our last trip down to California before we PCS (relocate), making it a bitter sweet trip.  But then again I always say that and then we make one more trip.