Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patrick's Day Fun (in Juneau)

This time last year Cecilia and I enjoyed the holiday at NE Portland's McMinnamins.  For her touch of green I like to make these shamrock headbands out of ribbon and felt.  You should give it a try sometime.  It's a big hit, and gets loads of compliments.

This year being our first St. Patrick's Day in Juneau we decided to celebrate at downtown's Imagination Station.  They had a sweet little set up for children of all ages to create some festive artwork.  We even got to try all kinds of new art supplies that they carry in their store.  We were delighted to purchase some for our at home projects.

 Cecilia and I had such a lovely time celebrating the holiday, and I look forward to creating new traditions in our new home.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Juneau's Rock Dump. A Designated Play Zone!

Ever since moving to Juneau I've really been struggling to find some new play spots for Cecilia.  Back home we would visit our favorite libraries, farms, and playgrounds.  Getting assimilated to a new area can be a REAL challenge; especially when you have such a high regard for the little play spots you left back home.

Today ….. However…..

Was one step closer to making Juneau feel more like home.

Baby Avery taking notes on how the big kids climb
We were invited to check out Juneau's Rock Dump with a friend from Cecilia's school.  It's a great place for children to play indoors and adults to visit among friends.  They host a FREE Toddler Time Tuesday-Thursday from 10-1!  But in all honesty I would gladly pay to play here.  I was so happy to see how child and parent friendly it was.  Soft padded floors for kids, and no real blind spots for adults trying to keep an eye on their little ones while letting them independently test their skill set.  If you live in Juneau or are planning to visit, I would highly recommend paying them a visit.

Cecilia and her dear friend Gavin enjoying a snack together
Room to Run
Rock Gazing… One day I have no doubt they'll reach the top

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Every Day Is A Good Day To Explore

Cecilia and Daddy
Back at what they do best….. Exploring
Inside a 100 year old office building
Sandy Beach

Destination Juneau

After a lovely, long visit home to the PNW, it was nice to get back home.  Cecilia had been missing her Daddy, friends, and her room.  

Boarding our 2nd flight in Seattle

30 minutes before arriving in Juneau

Cecilia was so excited to get back home to her room and her things!

The weather was quite nice the week we got back, so we did some outdoor painting.

Nothing made Cecilia more happy than getting back to school to see her friends.  But before the day could begin, they had to take a selfie. 

Raise 'em on Rhythm and Blues (Hozier at the Crystal Ballroom)

I have been a Hozier fan for a while now and I've featured his music on my blog a couple of times.  Just before we moved to Alaska I had noticed that Hozier was going to be touring to the Portland area.  I was so bummed I wouldn't be able to attend.  It's not like people tour to Juneau.  

As luck would have it, my husband got orders to go to leadership school and suggested Cecilia and I go home to be with family while he would be gone.  This put us in town the same time as Hozier's tour.  

Hozier had started popping up all over the place, which meant that tickets had long since sold out, hard to come by, and expensive!  I was tempted to just hang out at the venue and hopefully catch a song or two.  After all I'm a Band-aide not a Groupie.  

I asked my sister Gabrielle if she'd be interested in hanging out at the venue, minus tickets, for a girls night out.  I've never had the opportunity to hang out with my sister as adults without my kiddo in tow; we are separated by 8 years.  So the date was set! Tickets or no tickets!

Days before the show one of Gabrielle's friends had posted that he was selling his tickets, so needless to say we jumped at the opportunity.

 I had such a wonderful time enjoying a FANTASTIC show, and great company. 

We were fortunate enough to make our way to what would be considered 3rd row for general admission.  I couldn't believe I was able to stand as long as I did at over 5 months pregnant.  So unbelievably worth it though.  It turns out that my baby's eardrums had formed a week before the show, and would be able to hear my voice as well as others.  So I will be able to tell baby Elsie that technically her first concert was Hozier.

Overall it was a really fun night, and for anyone who's on the fence about seeing Hozier live I highly recommend you do it.  No matter the size of the venue.  He is that good!!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Random Acts Of Kindness

Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper and Magnolia Market had shared a post on her blog about random acts of kindness during the Valentine's Holiday that really moved me.  

Valentines Day is  "not only a fun holiday to enjoy, but can provide a perfect opportunity to teach your little ones the beauty of showing love, kindness and appreciation. Not only on this day, but year round". - Joanna Gaines

Polymer Clay Hearts
Hand Written Notes "XOXO"

We set out with our hearts and some sweetheart candies.  Cecilia placed the hearts on doorsteps throughout the neighborhood and passed out the candies to school children on their way home.  That part really excited her.  She would chase down the children, shaking her bag of candy shouting "EXCUSE ME"!  When our basket was empty we talked about how good it felt to bring smiles to the faces of those children.  I asked her if she would like to do that again next year; to which she replied "Oh yes please".  

It is never too early to teach our children to have a servants heart. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winter to Spring break, and a lot in between

As some of my readers might have noticed Thisway Thataway has been on a bit of a break.  Well with the holidays, getting used to a new town, meeting new people, and some exciting news…. We've just been a little preoccupied.

Moving to a new city/state; can bring about new challenges as you adapt to your new home.  We've all tried our best to acclimate and find things that we enjoy.  I must admit this move has been particularly hard for me.  I've made some great new friends, but have yet to nurture any creative outlets; blogging being one of them.  So I'm hoping to change all that.

So for the big new!  Baby #2 is on the way!!! Expected June 2015.  Cecilia couldn't be more excited for her new little sister.  So you can expect that I'll be posting a lot more photos of the nursery, among other things as we get closer.

Thank you all for continuing to stop by.  I look forward to bringing you some new content =)